how self-compassion leads to happiness and success

We recently published the 10 Qualities Of A Mindful Leader and wanted to expand on each of the qualities, to bring them to life with some personal examples of people we’ve worked with. 

We’ll be exploring the impact that embracing the kind of habits that enable these qualities to shine has had on them and their teams.

This week we’ll take a quick look at the transformative power of self-compassion.

Sarah, a director in a property development company, had recently been given a new role and felt like her new title was less senior. To her it looked like she was getting a demotion because her boss didn’t value her. 

She felt furious at him and was being very self-critical, leading to her questioning whether she was good enough at her job. She had started suffering from insomnia and had lost a lot of confidence.

Through the work we did together, Sarah started to realise how much approval-seeking she was doing at work,  and how exhausted, stressed and anxious it was making her. She had a big fear of disappointing people and being seen as incapable.

She began to realise how much power she was giving her boss to determine how she felt about herself.

Learning to do a regular self-compassion meditation was a practice in being able to approve of herself.

It helped her to let go of the painful emotions and tension she was feeling, to be kinder and more accepting towards herself. 

She began to feel her confidence increase and her anger towards her boss diminish.

As Sarah rediscovered her confidence, she felt her performance improve, she put less pressure on herself and began enjoying her work and life a lot more. 

How has self-compassion helped you to be a better leader?

Interested in exploring how to lead more mindfully? Join our free webinar for leaders on September 20th. Register here to secure your spot.


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